
CBRN Solafact Inc. offers the complete sales cycle: where to sell(market), what is needed (solutions), exceptional products. We created Case Studies that will empower you to make informed decisions when selecting and maintaining detection systems.

If you need our expertise, we are here to serve you.

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Hazmat Case Study

Detectors required to protect Hazmat Team.

Our Solutions

Referenced Products

Law Enforcement Case Study

Detectors required to protect airports.

Our Solutions

Referenced Products

Products by Applications

Military and Defense:

Homeland Security:

Emergency Response:

Industrial and Environmental Monitoring:

Radiation testing solutions for medical and hospital markets:

When it comes to the medical and hospital market, radiation testing solutions are crucial. They not only assess radiation risks but also support disaster management. Rapid detection of radioactive materials helps take prompt measures to protect hospital staff and patients from radiation hazards. These products are used to monitor various CBRN events and ensure the safety and sustainability of the medical market.

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